PT Marabu Nails specializes in the manufacturing of various steel nails including the hardened steel nails for concrete as our primary product. With almost 25 years of presence in the business, we have shipped and delivered our products to numerous customers all over Indonesia as well as to those in the neighboring country.

Located on a two-hectares premises in the town of Parung Kuda, Sukabumi the factory and manufacturing facilities occupy over 6000 meter square and employ more than 120 dedicated and experienced workers. The factory accommodates 13 lines of wire drawing machines as well as 70 nail making machines including a super precision Enkotec machine to produce gun nails.

We also have the convenience of partnership with major steel wire suppliers in the country such as Krakatau Steel, Ispatindo, Master Steel to name a few, to ensure uninterrupted source of raw materials.

Steel Wire

In early 2000, we began working with steel wires of various grades and sizes including fabrication of engineered wire mesh. Steel wires are widely used for coat hangers, automotive parts, bicycle wheel axis, and so on. Depending on their grades, our wire mesh is mainly used as reinforcement for vaults, strongroom pre-fabricated panels and concrete fences. In addition to that, we also supply steel bits which are used as a crucial component in safe concrete mixed to add strength.

We take pride in our work and products including meeting our customer needs and specifications. We have strong commitment to meeting agreed completion and delivery schedules. We see our-selves as an integral part of your organization and the dedication in helping you to achieve your goals.